11 Dangerous Toxins That Are Harming Your Thyroid

Female hands using antibacterial liquid soap

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There are perhaps millions of people in Americans with low thyroid symptoms. Still others show the symptoms of an underactive thyroid only to be told by their doctor that their test results are normal. Symptoms might include fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, irritability, and/or brain fog. The one thing most doctors never look at is the toxins that permeate our environment.

These toxins might be synthetic or they might occur naturally, but toxins are one part of our lives that cannot be ignored. Here are the top common 11 toxins that might the underlying problem of your thyroid issue.


1. Antibacterial Products

Almost all antibacterial soaps, lotions, even toothpastes, contain a chemical called triclosan. Although some studies have shown small amounts of this chemical is safe to use, there is growing evidence that this chemical interrupts the body’s hormones and, therefore, affects thyroid function. Soaps are antibacterial in and of themselves and adding triclosan is simply redundant. Look for soaps and lotions that don’t contain triclosan.


SEE MORE:  15 ways to Help You  Body Fight Toxins


2. Perchlorates

The Center for Disease Control says that almost everyone on earth have perchlorates in their bodies. Perchlorate is a byproduct when they produce fuels for jets and rockets, fireworks and airbags. Unfortunately this toxin is not in our drinking water, which is then used to water our food sources. A study done by the CDC says that there is a direct link between perchlorate levels and the hormones in your thyroid. It’s difficult to avoid all perchlorates, but you can limit your exposure by always drinking filtered water and eating organic fruits and vegetables.


3. Heavy Metals

All heavy metals, such as mercury, aluminum and lead, all cause your body to release antibodies, which can lead to autoimmune thyroid issues such as Grave’s disease. Acute poisoning would show up in blood test, this type of contamination can only show in a urine test. Again, in today’s environment, it’s difficult to avoid all heavy metals, but you can remove some of these by eating a healthy diet and avoiding vaccines that contain mercury, such as conventional flu shots.

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4. PCB’S

You may be thinking, “Weren’t these banned?” Yes, you would be right, these substances were banned in the 1970’s but they are still haunting our environment even today! PCB’s cause thyroid dysfunction and can even lead to insulin resistance. They also can affect your liver enzymes that regulate your thyroid hormones so they can be used by your body.


5. Halogens

No, not the headlights on your car, we are referring to fluoride and chloride. Overexposure can lead to an interruption of the iodine transport. Fluoride suppress thyroid function and the dose needed to lower the functioning of the thyroid is quite low, just 2 to 5 mg per day. These halogens are absorbed through food, water, even the environment. Because their makeup is similar to iodine, these halogens occupy the iodine receptors in your body and make the natural iodine in your body ineffectual.


6. Dioxins

Dioxins are another chemical known to interrupt the endocrine system. This was one of the main ingredients in Agent Orange. Many people who served in Vietnam and were exposed to this chemical and now suffer from serious thyroid problems.


7.  PFOA

So many chemicals listed here, isn’t there? This one is used to make those non-stick pans, and food wrappers. Even with just moderate exposure, this chemical affects your thyroid function.  A study done by the Environmental Health Perspective found that high concentrations of perfluorooctanoic acid are seen in the types of chronic thyroid conditions seen currently.

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soy is not healthy

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8. Soy

Soy is another product that interrupts the normal functioning of the thyroid by hindering your body’s ability to use iodine. Infants who are fed soy formulas have a prolonged increase in the hormones that stimulate the thyroid. Soy is a GMO food, which adds another thing to consider (Read  more about 6 easy ways to avoid eating GMO’s). Do GMO products interfere with thyroid function?


9.  Plastics

Plastics are hazardous to both the environment and your body. A chemical that leeches from plastic bottles, antimony, is just one concern. A study done at the University of Copenhagen found that the levels of antimony in juices that were stored in plastic bottles were more than 2.5 times higher than what is considered safe for tap water. BPA and phthalates have also been shown in studies to reduce thyroid function.


10. Pesticides

Studies show that more than 60 percent of pesticides can affect the thyroids production of hormones. Another study found that women who lived with men who used pesticides in their workplace were at a much higher risk of developing thyroid problems. Many weed killers and antifungal agents used on foods have been shown to lower the thyroid function as well as increase resistance to weight loss. Find out more 10 toxic products you can live without.


11. Flame Retardants

PBDE’s, more commonly known as flame retardants, have been found in more than one study to upset thyroid function. Flame retardants are found on more than just children’s pajamas. These are used in computer and television screens, carpet padding, even in the foam used in furniture. Flame retardants are found in much of the American population and have been shown in studies to cause behavioral as well as developmental problems.

Extra tips:

Food can heal. Focus on foods that can nourish your thyroid and see if these natural foods can help your body counteracts the toxins that cause damage.

  • Coconut oil can raise your body temperature and it plays an important role in thyroid health.
  • Butter, with its plentiful supply of iodine and vitamin A, it not only nourishes your thyroid, but your entire body
  • Cod liver oil is rich in the bioavailable vitamin A and is super supportive of a healthy thyroid.
  • Eggs, like butter, are a good source of vitamin A and iodine. Getting enough natural amino acids through clean protein is extremely good for the health of your thyroid.





  1. A. Mac

    Jul 31, 2014 at 5:54 pm

    Excellent post!

  2. Joann Hollie

    Aug 25, 2014 at 8:54 pm

    What the Hamas is going on these days?…………………..

  3. Pingback: Natural News Blogs 7 Toxins that Destroy Your Thyroid! Homemade Miraculous Thyroid Drink

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