Top Warning Signs of Autoimmune Disease and How to Reverse it Naturally

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Well, the last thing you need is to dump more chemicals into your body. You can fight this condition naturally.


1.  Look for Triggers

Autoimmune disorders means that your body is sending out an inappropriate response, brought about by some trigger. Most times, the body is going overboard trying to attack something that is not a threat, other times it doesn’t recognize a threat when it should. If you can identify the trigger, what set the immune off, and then you can hopefully avoid, or at least limit, this trigger. Common triggers are:

  • Food – Certain foods such as gluten, dairy, high sodium, or processed foods, artificial flavors and food dyes are common triggers.
  • Environmental – These are harder to identify, but common triggers are airborne chemicals such as from plastics, varnish, or paint, chemicals found in cleaners, heavy metal ingestion, or even synthetic perfumes, such as those found in laundry detergent and shampoo.
  • Airborne – Anything you can smell can be a trigger; pollen, dust, dust mites, pet dander, fur, feathers, gas fumes, and/or air pollution.

It might be difficult to find the source, but if you start eliminating things, over time you should find a culprit or two.


SEE ALSO: 15 of the Best Anti-Inflammatory Herbs and Spices on the Planet 

2.  Vitamin Deficiency

Many doctors believe that vitamin deficiency can be the cause of autoimmune disorders or that they can help to relive symptoms. Be sure that you are consuming plenty of the following vitamins or that you are taking a high quality supplement:

  • Vitamin C – Vital for the proper functioning of the immune system. Consume a minimum of 1,500mg of vitamin C every day to support the immune system.
  • Fish Oil – The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil reduce inflammation in the body, which can lessen an immune response.
  • Vitamin D – This one vitamin influences more than 200 genes in the body, one of which is help your body fight infection, reduce inflammation, and often helps those with autoimmune diseases. Try to get plenty of safe sunlight, working yourself up to 30 to 40 minutes of sun exposure each day. If this isn’t possible, take a good quality vitamin D supplement. Many doctors believe that the current RDA is too low. 5,000mg of vitamin D each day is good base if you cannot get much natural sunlight.


3. Peony Root

Peony glucosides come from the root of peony flowers and, unlike many of the prescription drugs that come with terrible and dangerous side effects, the extracts from this root have been shown to suppress excessive immune function and improving immune agents that have a more calming effect.  The extract from this common plant has been shown to be quite effective in treating the symptoms from an autoimmune disorder and helping to bring the system back to a more moderate response. You can find peony root extract in most health food stores.

As always, eating an organic, plant based diet, in combination with plenty of fresh air, exercise, and a regular sleep pattern, can help your body recover on its own.

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