The Amazing Things You Never Imagined about Sunflower Seeds

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3. Cancer Prevention

Several studies suggest that there is a strong connection between a low intake of selenium and cancer rates. Sunflower seeds are a great source of selenium. It’s been shown that selenium can induce DNA repair and inhibit the growth of cancerous cells. Selenium is also used by many proteins, which is important when it comes to cancer protection. Just one quarter cup of sunflower seeds will give you more than 30 percent of your daily requirement of selenium. The vitamin E in sunflower seeds has also been shown to reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer, bladder cancer, and colon cancer.


4. Healthy Bones

Magnesium is another mineral that sunflower seeds are rich in. Calcium is vital for strong bones, but magnesium is just as important. In fact, your body stores most of your magnesium in your bones. Magnesium is what gives your bones their physical structure, the rest located deep inside the bones where it is stored so that the body can call upon it should it need to. Sunflower seeds also contain copper and are important for function of the enzymes that provide the strength and flexibility in your bones.


5. Omega-3’s

Like many plant seeds, sunflower seeds are rich in both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids, which means that our bodies cannot make these for themselves and we must get them through our foods. The omega-3 found in sunflower seeds is not as strong as the ones in fish oil or krill oil, but the benefits you will get from these seeds should not be underestimated. One study showed that the type of omega-3 fatty acids found in sunflower seeds, called ALA, can lower both glucose and triglyceride levels in humans. This study was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

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