The Influence Of Climate Change On Global Food Supply

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The Effect on Nutrition

There’s another alarming potential impact of changing climates on our food: changes to its nutritional content.

Some scientists are concerned that the increase in carbon dioxide levels may actually result in crops with lower nutritional content than what’s normally expected.

In 2014, a study was published in which researchers observed how growing legumes, corn and grain in controlled, carbon dioxide-enriched environments affected the nutritional content of the resultant crops, with a specific focus on their levels of zinc and iron.

Millions of people around the world are affected by deficiency in these two minerals, and deficiency is linked to numerous health problems. In the experiment, the crops were grown in environments with C02 levels equivalent to what the researchers believe atmospheric concentrations will be in 50 years. The researchers found that  the high-C02 group had lower levels of zinc and iron–as well as protein–than crops grown in the control group.


READ ALSO: Is Climate Change Increasing The Spread Of Disease?


While you shouldn’t panic about any of this, it’s important to be informed and stay on top of the latest research. In the meantime, focus on what you have the most control over–your daily nutrition choices.


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