10 Everyday Mistakes Even Healthy People Make

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9. The Fear of Fat

Fats have been demonized for a long time now. Does it appear that America’s fear of fats has made them any thinner? Right! Low fat diets have been proven to not work. They don’t help you lose weight, they don’t reduce your risk of cancer or heart disease, and they won’t keep you satisfied for very long either. The US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health conducted a study that showed that not only are healthy, natural fats good for you; they are a vital part of good health. There is no reason to avoid healthy fats such as avocados, eggs, coconut oil, or butter, as long as they are consumed in moderation. The fats you should be avoiding are the trans-fats found in most fast foods, junk foods, and refined vegetable oils such as soybean, corn, and cottonseed oil.


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10. Quitting Your Medications Cold Turkey

Maybe you’ve decided that a healthy diet and lifestyle does not include prescription drugs, so you think you are going to just dump all your prescriptions down the drain. This is not a good idea at all. You feel fine right now but once you ditch your prescriptions you might find that you are going to undergo some pretty serious side effects. It’s true that a healthy diet can often take the place of prescription drugs, but you need to check with your doctor as to how to slowly withdraw from them. Drug withdrawal can actually cause coma and death in some cases, so take this very seriously. Your doctor is going to be very happy that you are making healthy diet and lifestyle changes. They will be only too happy to advise you on how to withdraw from your prescription drugs safely once they determine that you no longer need them.

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