12 Common Cancer-Causing Items To Remove From Your Home NOW (#8 is Scary!)

Collection of hygiene cleaners for housework

Photo credit: bigstock.com

5.  Kitchen and Bathroom Cleaners

You know those cleaners that are meant to scrub your sinks, tubs, and toilets? The ones that look like pretty sand and generally come in cardboard shakers? We don’t want to name names, but these are loaded with toxic ingredients such as crystalline silica, which is a known carcinogen as well as an eye, lung, and skin irritant. Silica is a known carcinogen as listed in the 1994 Material Safety and Data Sheet. Some of these cleansers also contain “parfums,” which, like air fresheners, contain carcinogenic phthalates.

Make your own natural cleanser by mixing some vinegar and baking soda, or lemon juice and baking soda, for a disinfecting, natural cleanser that won’t scratch surfaces!

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