12 Everyday Things That Can Kill If You Aren’t Careful

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Pressure Washers

People always think that those videos on YouTube with toddlers holding pressure washers that knock them on their butts are hilarious, but pressure washers, as convenient as they might be, also cause death and serious injuries. Pressure washers, as the name implies, spray water at a super high pressure, which can cause some pretty serious wounds if you point it at other people, animals, or even at yourself. Many people believe, at first sight, that the wound is not that severe. However, wounds that appear to be minor mean that many people do not visit the doctor until a severe infection has taken hold. There have been cases of people being wounded by pressure washers who delay treatment, then end up having to have a limb amputated. Other risks that go along with using a pressure washer are electric shock, carbon monoxide poisoning, and the fact that when the spray hits small objects, such as rocks, pebbles, and even small toys, these simple things can turn into terribly dangerous projectiles.


11. Lakes, Pools, Bathtubs …Water in General

The third leading unintentional cause of death is drowning, according to the CDC. For children under the age of 4, it is the #1 cause of accidental death, outweighing even car accidents! Of all drowning deaths, almost half occur in natural water sources such as lakes or ponds. Another 16 percent happen in swimming pools, and about 10 percent in the family bathtub. The last 27 percent occurred in unspecified bodies of water, such as buckets. Never leave your children unattended when they are in or around water. Even a kiddie pool can turn deadly for a toddler. Don’t leave buckets of water unattended when you have small children. If you do not know how to swim, take classes and take your children with you.

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