12 Herbal Remedies for Diabetes

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

10. Marshmallow

No, not those white puffy things that are so good by the fire, marshmallow root! It contains quite bit of pectin, which is a soluble plant fiber that is known to help lower blood sugar levels.

This is one of the plants that is native to Europe but has now spread to Africa, America, as well as Asia. Marshmallow root loves dark, salty swamp lands. It’s been used for many centuries by the ancient Egyptians, Arabs, Romans, and Chinese communities. Marshmallow root is rich in anti-oxidants, which can give a powerful increase in endurance and helping to improve the immune system.

Marshmallow root can suppress the appetite as well as make you feel as though you are full. The starch in the plant expands when liquids are added, making a gel. This gel expands, making your stomach feel full. The gel also coats the entire digestive tract, preventing the intestines from absorbing fat. This is helpful for those with diabetes who are looking to lose weight while controlling blood sugar levels at the same time.

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