12 Herbal Remedies for Diabetes

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

7. Ginkgo Biloba

This is perhaps one of the world’s best known herbs for improving energy and brain health but, one of its little known uses is for diabetics. It’s proven to improve the blood circulation to peripheral tissues, those tissues in the arms, legs, toes, and fingers. This is an important benefit for those suffering from diabetes, which often has very poor circulation to their extremities.

A healthy diet, some regular exercise, and the inclusion of ginkgo biloba, can help make improvements for many diabetics. Exercise can help diabetics in many ways, including the improving blood circulation to the extremities, the normalization of blood sugar levels, helping with weight loss, and the overall protection of cardiovascular health.

Ginkgo biloba is available almost everywhere, generally in capsule form. Always buy your supplements from well-known manufacturers and always buy organic. Never buy gingko biloba from any source you do not know well, such as swap meets, dollar stores, or from unknown sellers at those online auction sites.

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