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12 Herbal Remedies To Stop Gout Attacks

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Gout is described as a type of arthritis where normal levels of uric acid in the blood suddenly increase and form sharp crystals that fill the fluid surrounding the joints and trigger inflammation. People who have had gout attacks describe it as a sudden, excruciating pain that tends to strike the joint of the big toe first.
A single gout attack is bad enough, but for some people, gout becomes acute and chronic, beginning with the joint at the big toe, but moving on and involving more than just one joint. The pain slowly disappears over a few days and, for some people, it never returns. For others, it returns over and over. The actual root cause of gout is unknown. Scientists also do not understand why it strikes some people once and others over and over again. Besides being extremely painful, chronic gout can lead to other complications such as kidney failure!
One thing researchers do know: Gout tends to strike those who are overweight, diabetic, anemic, or those with limited kidney function. They believe that these conditions somehow interfere with the body’s natural removal of uric acid and allow it to build up in the body.
If you have gout now or if you suffer from repeated attacks, the following 12 herbal remedies can help to relieve the pain and remove excess uric acid from the body.
1. Lemon Juice
The juice from lemons contains vitamin C, which is known to help the body remove excess uric acid. This is an inexpensive and easy remedy for gout that can have you feeling better in a day or so. Mix the juice from half of an organic lemon in one glass of water, and drink three times each day.
2. Celery Seed
Celery seed is known for being a powerful anti-inflammatory and is often recommended for those who suffer from similar gout-like symptoms such as osteoarthritis. Celery seeds have been shown in studies to flush uric acid from the kidneys and reduce the overall acidity inside the body. Celery seeds are mild diuretics and have a mild sedative effect.
3. Apples
Although it won’t work overnight, eating two or three apples each day can help to remove uric acid from the body. Foods that are high in vitamin C and potassium are known to help fight the effects of gout.
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4. Paederia Scandens
Although studies on this herb are limited, early studies show that it has powerful effects on hyperuricemia, which is linked to gout attacks. One early investigation showed that when rats were given extracts from paederia scandens over a 14-day period, they had powerful hypouricemic activity, meaning they had lower levels of uric acid in their bodies.
5. Devil’s Claw
This herb from South Africa is one of the more popular natural methods of relieving the pain of gout. Devil’s Claw works by removing inflammatory compounds from the affected areas, relieving pain. It also helps to prevent a buildup of the uric acid crystals that cause such intense pain. The University Of Maryland Medical Center has even conducted research showing that Devil’s Claw had powerful anti-inflammatory effects that helped those suffering from gout and arthritis. You can even apply this herb as an ointment to help ease inflamed joints!
6. Green Tea
Green tea is another easy way to help fill your body with healthy antioxidants while relieving the pain of gout. Green tea contains EGCG, a compound that prevents the production of inflammation and joint damage, according to studies from University of Michigan Health System. Green tea is also a mild diuretic, which can help remove excessive amounts of uric acid from the body. As if this were not enough, green tea has potent polyphenols, plus vitamins E and C, which are known to reduce gout attacks. Drink three or more cups each day for best results.
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7. Cat’s Claw
This herb gets more and more attention over the years as scientists discover its abilities to treat a wide range of health problems. In fact, the public is also getting word about this herb, and it is now one of the best-selling supplements in America. Cat’s claw has anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-viral, and, of course, anti-inflammatory compounds that are very helpful for gout sufferers. Although most people consume cat’s claw to relieve chronic pain, it can also help to relive the pain and inflammation for those suffering from gout, as well as other inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism.
8. Ginger
Ginger can be consumed as a tea or used as a compress (or both), and its natural anti-inflammatory compounds will go to work relieving the pain and inflammation of gout. One study showed that an active compound in ginger, 6-shogaol, reduces levels of monosodium urate crystal, inducing inflammation. Drink three cups of fresh ginger tea daily for best results. You can also consume a ginger supplement, but speak to your doctor about proper dosage.
9. Burdock Root
This root has been used for centuries as a means of relieving inflammation and offering much-needed relief for arthritis and gout sufferers. Burdock root cleanses the blood and removes excessive levels of uric acid. You can drink burdock tea and/or apply this root as a compress. Either way, many people find that this root is the fastest, most effective way of reliving gout pain and inflammation.
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10. Cherries
Wow! Bet you never imagined that getting rid of gout could taste so good! Cherries work to remove uric acid so well that even the U.S. Department of Agriculture is conducting research to see if cherries can be used as a natural remedy for gout. Current studies show that eating eight ounces of cherries every day over a two week period reduces arthritic symptoms, as the anthocyanin in cherries are natural anti-inflammatories. They also preserve the integrity of collagen. In another study, also conducted by the USDA, women who ate 48 bin cherries every day had significant improvements in their uric acid levels and eliminated their gout. Sweet!
11. Ashwagandha
Sometimes called Indian ginseng, ashwagandha is another terrific herb that can help relieve the symptoms of gout. In fact, this herb is often prescribed for back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and other types of joint pain. Ashwagandha contains a compound called allopurinol, which prevents the formation of uric acid in the body. If you suffer from repeated gout attacks, you should be taking this herb! Ashwagandha inhibits the release of xanthine oxidase, which causes uric acid to form. In fact, many doctors prescribe xanthine oxidase inhibitors for those who get frequent gout attacks. Ask your doctor about the proper dosage amounts for your situation.
SEE ALSO: Naturally Rid Your Body of Joint Pain and Gout
12. Turmeric
This is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents around. Native to Asia, this spice has been used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine for treating a wide range of health problems, including gout. This herb has super powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that will knock your gout into next week! It also prevents the production of prostaglandins, which send pain signals to the brain. Add one tablespoon of turmeric to a glass of warm milk and drink daily.
Gout is sometimes called the “rich man’s disease” because in olden days, only the rich who could afford meat, dairy, liquor, and eggs, were afflicted. Although the exact reason is not fully understood, a high consumption of foods that contain purine tends to cause a buildup of uric acid. Limit your consumption of fish and red meat, and eat more fruits that contain vitamin C and potassium such as oranges, apples, bananas, and avocados to prevent repeat occurrences of gout.