12 Little Known Lemon Beauty Benefits (We Love #4!)

Woman Teeth

Photo credit: bigstock.com

11. Whiten Teeth

You don’t need to spend several hundred dollars at the dentist to whiten your teeth: All you really need is some lemon juice. Lemons have powerful bleaching agents that will give you super pearly whites in no time!

Rub a fresh lemon peel over your teeth and wait for about 2 minutes. Rinse your mouth with warm water. Repeat once each day and you will have super pearly whites in about 10 to 21 days!


READ ALSO: A Million Ways that Lemons Can Save Your Life


12. Strengthen Weak Nails

If you have weak or brittle nails that seem to break or split constantly, lemon juice will not only help to whiten them, but it will also strengthen them. Each night before bed, soak your nails in some lemon juice for about 5 minutes. Rinse with warm water, pat them dry, and then apply a bit of olive oil or coconut oil to your nails. Repeat this every night for several weeks. Do not wear polish until your nails have become stronger.




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