12 Of The Best Plants For The Bedroom For Cleaner Air And Better Sleep


Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

5. Aloe Vera

You might have one of these in a pot in your kitchen in case of burns, but perhaps you should purchase another one and put it in the bedroom. The Egyptians called this the ‘plant of immortality,’ and although we can’t guarantee you a longer life, we can guarantee you cleaner air.

Aloe vera can remove the polluting chemicals found in many cleaning products. One of the interesting things about this plant is that when it removes a great deal of toxic chemicals in your home, the leaves will develop ugly brown spots. Don’t worry, it will grow new leave to replace these damaged ones, but at least you will know that the plant is doing its job.

This is one of NASA’s highest rated plants when it comes to cleaning the air, so make room in your bedroom for this easy to care for succulent.

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