12 Of The Best Plants For The Bedroom For Cleaner Air And Better Sleep


Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

6. Peace Lily

This is another one of NASA’s highest rated plants when it comes to cleaning the air. Peace lilies, with their beautiful creamy white flowers, are terrific at removing toxic compounds in the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene.

If you live in a dry area, this would be a terrific choice for your home as the moisture given off by the flowers can actually increase the humidity of a room by as much as five percent! This will inhibit airborne microbes which lead to allergic reactions. It also helps to moisturize the air, offering relief from those who suffer from dry noses or throats.

This plant can be dangerous if eaten by pets or children, but it doesn’t need a lot of light and only requires water about once each week. Put it up on a dresser out of reach of pets, and you have a beautifully flowering plant that cleans the air and requires almost no care at all. Clean air doesn’t get much easier than this!

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