12 Of The Best Plants For The Bedroom For Cleaner Air And Better Sleep


Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Valerian

You might be thinking that you sometimes drink valerian tea at night to help you sleep and wondering if this is the same plant. It is! Valerian is a perennial flowering plant that blooms all summer long with beautifully scented white or pink flowers. These flowers were used as perfume during the 16th century, and the root has been used as a tea since ancient times.

Valerian needs at least six hours of sunlight each day so if your bedroom gets lots of light, this plant will work for you! Alternatively, you can plant one outside and bring in some of the flower petals and leaves to place in your pillowcase at night or even place them in your bath. If your bedroom does not get a great deal of sunlight, you might want to choose another plant.

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