12 Of The Best Plants For The Bedroom For Cleaner Air And Better Sleep


Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

9. English Ivy

NASA listed the plain old everyday English ivy as their number one choice for cleaning the air inside homes. English ivy works best when it comes to absorbing formaldehyde. This plant is easy to grow in normal household temperatures and needs only some sunlight each day. English ivy likes to climb, so find a nice corner near a sunny window and allow it to climb up and over your curtain rod for a pretty accent and some powerful air cleaning for your bedroom.


8. Snake Plants

Sometimes called Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, these are perfect for most bedrooms as they need very little light and almost no care. This is another plant that takes in carbon dioxide during the day and puts out oxygen at night, which can lead to improved sleep. Snake plants also filter out some of the worst toxins in the air, and they look good doing it.

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