12 Special Plants That Will Help You Breathe Easier At Home

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

3. English Ivy

When grown outside, English Ivy has a way of taking over your home. It is easy to bring this delicate plant indoors and it makes a striking appearance when shaped into a topiary. This type of ivy grows upwards and is considered to be a climber. It can take partial shade or partial sun, water occasionally, and a regular misting during the colder months.


4. Spider Plant

The spider plant gets its name from the offshoots that grow right off the long stems that hang from the main plant. It is a relatively easy plant to grow and it is very low maintenance. Most end up in hanging pots and thrive if they are hung where they can enjoy some sunshine. The spider plant is perfect for eliminating benzene and formaldehyde that may be hanging around your home.


5. Boston Fern

This plant is a lovely addition to just about any home. The dark green airy fronds create a delicate lacy look. They are the most effective plant at removing the level of formaldehyde but are also able to eliminate the odor and components from gasoline that may be a problem for homes that are attached to their garage. Boston Ferns need a little extra attention requiring you to keep their soil moist and feed them weekly. A daily misting will keep them looking healthy.

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