14 Household Items That Can Cause Cancer

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

5. Deodorants and Antiperspirants

Almost everyone relies on some type of deodorant to control body odor and perspiration. However, these products contain cancer causing chemicals such as aluminum chlorohydrate. This is particularly dangerous to place such elements on the skin, as it has no protection from chemicals. The compounds go directly into the blood stream and the organs of the body, and cause cancers, which is one reason why breast cancers have become so prevalent in Western Society.

Many antiperspirants also contain parabens, which imitate estrogen in the body and encourages the growth of cancer cells. The exposure to parabens has also been linked to nausea, depression of the central nervous system, and damage to the digestive system. Yet, to make your personalized anti-sweating products is an easy job to complete.

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