15 Foods You Aren’t Eating But Should Be (# 4 is Really Good!)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

13. Beets

Although these not so pretty on the outside root veggies are naturally sweeter on the inside than many other veggies, they also pack a huge nutritional punch. Beets have so many nutrients, Popeye should have been eating these instead! Beets contain two important compounds called Betaine and folate. Together, these two nutrients lower your body’s levels of homocysteine, which is an inflammatory substance that increases your risk of heart disease as it damages the arteries.

Betacyanin are what give beets that beautiful reddish-purple color and they have been shown in studies done with rats to fight cancer. Don’t eat those beets from the jar; they have been intensely heated, which destroys their antioxidants. Try roasting them with some garlic and olive oil for a tasty treat!  By the way, don’t throw away the greens! They are super healthy, too!

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