15 Foods You Aren’t Eating But Should Be (# 4 is Really Good!)

Fresh Turmeric

Photo credit: bigstock.com

14. Turmeric

One more spice for you! If you had to choose only one superfood (or super spice) to add to your diet, make it turmeric. It has more anti-inflammatory compounds than kale and in clinical trials; it’s beating the pants off of many prescription drugs! Turmeric can treat asthma, stop the replication of the HIV virus chain, fight cancer, prevent or stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, and reduce the risk of heart failure, all while slowing the accumulation of fat tissue. What more can you ask for?

Although many curries and turmeric spices have a small amount of the active ingredient, curcumin, to get all the benefits you might want to make your own turmeric tea or be certain that the product you are buying contains at least 10 percent curcumin.

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