15 Natural Ways To Strengthen And Improve Your Memory Power

Fresh ginseng root

Photo credit: bigstock.com

12. Asian Ginseng

Used traditionally in both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine as a memory enhancer, this herb also works great when used in combination with ginkgo biloba. Although ginseng works well, it should not be consumed for long periods of time. This herb should be taken in cycles, such as consumed daily for two weeks, then taking a break for two weeks, before starting again. You might want to consider consulting with your doctor or herbalist for proper dosing information.


13. Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements have been shown to reduce cognitive decline as well as improve the memory. This is due to the DHA found in fish oil which helps prevent the formation of plaque in the brain, which has been linked to Alzheimer’s. Most people consume fish oil supplements with a minimum of 60 mg of DHA each day. Consult with your doctor for the exact dosage for your unique situation.


14. Cinnamon and Honey

This super tasty combination is terrific for relieving nervous tension as well as improving the memory. In fact, some research studies have shown that simply smelling cinnamon can improve cognitive function and the memory. Eating raw, organic honey before bedtime can help you to sleep better by preventing nocturnal stress. Add a pinch of cinnamon to one teaspoon of raw, organic honey and consume this each night about 30 minutes before bedtime.

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