15 Of The Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies Most Americans Have

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Vitamin B12

This is another B vitamin that is vital for the body when it comes to energy production, DNA synthesis, and blood formation. The body needs very little of it, but it is absolutely vital. About ¼ of the American population is deficient in this B vitamin. Symptoms of a B12 deficiency are severe mood swings, mental fog, memory problems, fatigue, muscle weakness, and extreme feelings of apathy. This vitamin is only found in animal sources of food, which is why most deficiencies occur in vegans. Vegans will need to take a supplement. Everyone else can get plenty of this vitamin by eating more salmon, shrimp, scallops, eggs, lamb and venison.


11. Iron

Iron is essential for life itself. Without iron, the body cannot transport oxygen. It also regulates cell growth. Without oxygen, your cells would quickly die. Common symptoms of iron-poor blood are extreme fatigue, anemia, and an impaired immune system. Too much iron is also not good for the body, so it is a good idea to have your blood tested at least once each year.


12. Calcium

One of several compounds that’s needed for healthy bones, calcium, gets all of the attention. Calcium needs to be balanced with magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2. An excess of calcium can lead to kidney stones in the body. You can get plenty of calcium through raw or organic milk products, leafy green vegetables, wheatgrass, and carob. Be certain that you are also consuming plenty of vitamin K2-rich foods and magnesium so that your body can make use of the calcium you consume. Don’t consume a calcium supplement without your doctor’s supervision.

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