15 Proven Ways To Eat More And Burn Fat Like A Furnace!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Photo credit: bigstock.com

13. Apple Cider Vinegar

You’ve heard all the hype about apple cider vinegar, but here is the truth about apple cider vinegar and weight loss; it really does work. Studies have shown that consuming a tablespoon of it before a meal, especially a high carb meal, can increase the feeling of fullness so much that people ate as many as 275 less calories the rest of the day.

Another study showed that consuming 2 spoons of apple vinegar each day caused persons to lose as much as 3.7 pounds over a 12 week period. Although this doesn’t sound like much, consider the fact that these subjects didn’t stop eating anything that they loved, they didn’t do more exercise, they simply added a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to their diet. That is pretty amazing.

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