15 Signs You Have A Hormonal Imbalance And Are NOT Going Crazy!

Diet Woman At Grocery Store With Junk Food

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7. Changes in Your Breast

As women become older, high levels of estrogen can make the breasts feel sore and tender even to the slightest touch. Unfortunately, this can also lead to cysts, fibroids, and other lumps. Get to know your own breasts by examining them regularly. This way, you will know if something new crops up or if there are any changes. If you should notice any type of change in your breasts or nipples, see a doctor right away. Chances are it’s nothing serious; however, your best chance of surviving breast cancer is early diagnosis.


8. You Are Always Hungry

Can’t keep yourself away from the fridge? Stop telling yourself that you are a fat pig and take a look at the real reason fueling your hunger: hormones. If you are not getting enough sleep, your levels of a hormone called ghrelin tend to get sky high, which will make you super hungry. Ghrelin stimulates the appetite. People who are chronically sleep deprived tend to gain weight more easily than those who get at least seven hours of sleep each night.


9. Vaginal Dryness

As women enter menopause, the reduction in estrogen levels can cause changes to the vaginal walls. This means dryness, making sex downright uncomfortable. There are plenty of lubricants available to help ease discomfort, but if those don’t work, talk to your doctor about other options such as testosterone creams or intravaginal low-dose estrogen creams.

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