15 Ways To NOT Get Cancer (#9 Saves Money, Too!)

Exercising fitness woman

Photo credit: bigstock.com

7.  Maintain a Healthy Weight

Although keeping your weight in check is certainly easier said than done, it’s not as hard as you might think. If you are already overweight, first focus on not gaining more weight. That alone can improve your health. Then, try to lose just five percent of your body weight. Don’t focus on losing 40, 50, or more pounds at one time — that makes the task seem never-ending. If you weigh 230 but should weigh 140, don’t look at this as 90 pounds; instead, focus on only losing 11 or 12 pounds.

That doesn’t seem like much, but it will go a long way towards lowering your risk of cancer and other deadly diseases. After you drop those 12 pounds, you can focus on the next five percent. This will certainly make the task look easier.

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