Common Wild Edible Plants that Can Save Your Life

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6. Plantain (plantago)

This is another “weed” that literally grows everywhere. This is a plant, not the plantain banana tree. Plantain has been used for thousands of years by humans as both food and medicine. Even if you live in the city, chances are good that plantain is growing in an abandoned lot near you! Plantain likes wet areas best, but it will grow almost anywhere. Leaves are about 6 inches in length and 4 inches wide. They are oval, ribbed with short stems that, despite their size, tend to hug the ground.

Like many plants, plantain leaves are best eaten when young as they tend to get a bitter taste when more mature. However, if you are really in need of food, you can boil the leaves to remove that bitter taste. This plant is very high in calcium and vitamin A and even has a bit of vitamin C. Since this plant grows just about everywhere, it’s good that you learn to recognize it as sometimes, it might be one of the few edible plants you can find.

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