Exciting Natural Treatments For Asthma That Really Work!

Eucalyptus Still Life

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4. Other Natural Remedies

  • Carom Seeds – Sometimes referred to as Bishop’s Weed, or Aiwain, these seeds are good for those with mild asthma. Carom seeds are mild bronchodilators. You can boil one teaspoon of these seeds in water and inhale the steam, or drink it as a tea, or both. You can alternatively heat a handful of seeds wrapped in a cotton cloth and heat them in the oven or microwave, then place the cloth on your chest and next until it has cooled. Repeat several times a day, if need be, or until you are satisfied with the results.
  • Eucalyptus Oil – This is a terrific method of clearing congestion and breaking up mucus in the lungs or bronchial tubes. You can try putting two or three drops on a cotton ball or even a cotton cloth and breathe deeply. You could also put some in a steam vaporizer. One more method is to put three or four drops in a cup or so of water in a saucepan. Allow the water to boil, then turn off the water and breathe in the steam, being careful not to burn your face.
  • Mustard Oil – This is an old home remedy that works remarkably well. Mustard oil will really help to open up respiratory passages. When you feel an asthma attack coming on, massage a bit of mustard oil into your upper back and chest. You can even mix a bit of camphor oil to your mustard oil for a powerful airway opening duo.
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