Got Pink Eye? We Have 7 Natural Solutions To Cure It!

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7. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains both antibacterial and antiviral compounds that can help to treat the symptoms of pink eye, as well as stopping the infection that causes it. The International Journal of Biological and Medical Research published a study which found that aloe vera was very effective in fighting pink eye and was reported as accelerating the healing process. If you have an aloe vera plant, simply slice off a leaf and peel the leaves. Dice up the leaf and place it in a cup of very hot water. Allow it to cool until the liquid turns a nice green color. Strain and then use the liquid as an eyewash two or three times each day.

If you don’t have an aloe vera plant, you can buy pure aloe vera gel and mix equal parts of the gel and water to make your own eyewash.

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