Grow Your Own Beauty Product Garden

Fresh Lemon Thyme Herb

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Botanicals for Acne

  • Burdock Root – Although many of the herbs on this list are meant for topical use, this is one herb that you should consume. Burdock root is generally consumed as a tea. The root of this plant has super cleansing powers that work from the inside out to remove toxins and heal boils, eczema, and acne. Drinking one to two cups of this tea each day will lead to super clear, radiant skin within about 4 weeks!
  • Thyme – This is a very common herb used in cooking, but studies show that this simple herb works better at clearing up acne than many over the counter remedies, at a fraction of the price! If you have been using any product that contain benzoyl peroxide, try thyme instead! You can make an alcohol based infusion, such as they did for this study, or try adding thyme to Witch Hazel for a less drying but still super effective acne remedy.
  • Lavender – Who doesn’t want some of this sweet smelling herb in their garden? Lavender is loaded with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory compounds that make it super for any type of skin problem. Lavender oil will quickly heal cuts, burns, or other types of skin wounds. You can use the flowers and leaves fresh, or dried, to make infusion filled creams, lotions, or facial toners that will kill off the bacteria that causes acne.

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