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Just 1 Teaspoon of this Spice Daily Can Help You Lose Fat like Crazy!

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By now you have heard a lot of claims saying that this or that or something else can help you lose fat while you sleep, while you watch TV, and while you spend money on completely useless products.
Well, this one is not a gimmick or a fad. It’s very inexpensive and has been proven in a recent study to help people lose fat.
You would never guess that the simple cumin seed could become your newest best friend and weight loss aide. The journal Complimentary Therapies in Clinical Practice was the first to reveal the study that was performed at the University of Medical Sciences in Iran. This study used 88 women who were considered to be very overweight or obese. The women were divided into two groups.
The first group ate 3 grams of cumin powder each day, mixed into 5 grams of yogurt.
The control group also ate yogurt but did not receive the cumin.
Both groups of women were given dietary advice and were told to reduce their calorie intake by a mere 500 calories. Various body measurements were taken before the study, and then again after 3 months of dieting.
The group that consumed the cumin lost 3 pounds more than the control group. In fact, the group that ate the cumin and yogurt lost 14.64 percent more body fat than the control group. Scientists believe that this shows that cumin is actually a type of fat burning spice.
Also, the women who consumed the cumin also had significantly lower levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing their good cholesterol levels.
The first group also had larger reduction in their overall body mass index as well as waist size. The authors of this study came to the conclusion that consuming cumin powder can greatly increase the chances of losing more weight and body fat even when only small caloric changes are made.
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What is cumin and how does it work?
Cumin is a spice that is rich in antioxidants and phytosterols. Phytosterols inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract, which could be the reason for their fat reducing effects. Previous clinical studies have shown that the consumption of foods that contain at least 0.8 grams of plant sterols will also lower the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol. Cumin has also been linked to the prevention of cancer. Cumin seeds are a great source of iron and have also been shown to support immune system function. Other studies have shown that cumin can help improve memory function, improve concentration levels, and also helps to regulate sleep cycles, offering much needed relief for insomniacs.
You can use the same amount of cumin that was used in the study and see for yourself if you get similar results. Although you might not have a control group to compare your results to, most people can tell if they have lost more weight than they think they should have. 3 grams of cumin is what was used in the study, which is slightly less than one teaspoon. You can simply follow the study and add a teaspoon of cumin to some yogurt, or you can add some to your vegetable dishes, guacamole, hummus, making a cumin tea, add it to stir fry’s or rice dishes, or add it to almost any soup.
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Cumin is a natural fat buster and this study only proves it to be more so. Cumin also enhances the digestion process and can protect your body from other diseases. Cumin has no known side effects, which means that it can be taken safely by people of all ages.
Why not try adding some cumin to your daily foods? What have you got to lose but some belly fat and cholesterol?