Mother Nature’s Amazing Antibiotics: No Prescription Needed

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4. Garlic

This tasty herb has been used medicinally throughout the world for perhaps thousands of years. In the 1700s it was used to help fight off the black plague. With its powerful antifungal, antiviral, antimicrobial, and antibiotic properties, garlic can remove dangerous bacteria while protecting you from becoming re-infected. Garlic is also extremely high in those natural antioxidants that kill free radicals in the body, which supports a healthy immune system.

Garlic is high in an ingredient called alllicin. Alllicin is the major component when it comes to fighting off dangerous bacteria and killing it should it invade your body. Crush a clove of garlic slightly to release its active compounds. Eat it raw, or very lightly cooked to get all of its health benefits.

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