Natural And Simple Ways To End Addictions

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There are so many things that we are addicted to that are really not good for us. The foods that we eat, the beverages we drink, and the negativity that we toss around whenever we can – all this is beginning to add up.

When you are addicted to so many things, it is time to make some changes. You have to eat food and drink liquids every day in order to exist, so that would be the best place to start. Other areas are more serious, such as smoking, alcohol, and drugs.

Here is a list of things we are addicted to and some natural ways we can end them.


1. Diet soda

Diet soda has absolutely no merit whatsoever. It is not good for you, and instead of feeling like you are drinking real soda (which isn’t good for you either), it just tricks your blood sugar levels so that you feel like you are drinking sugar and you want more and more. The main problem with diet soda is it has sweeteners that are bad for you. Aspartame and sucralose are all terrible for your body. Synthetic sweeteners are just filling your body with dangerous chemicals that will make you sick sooner rather than later. Switch to ice cold filtered water, and if you want a little extra flavor, add pieces of fresh fruit and let it steep so you can enjoy real refreshment without any of the chemicals that will harm you.


2. Drive-thrus

Our society has become addicted to drive-thrus and the horrible food they dispense since 1975. The food is filled with sugar, salt, and plenty of additives. One meal will provide you with more than the number of calories you should eat all day. It has become much too easy to swing through a drive-thru any time you are hungry and don’t want to take the time to find something healthy to eat. Decide to spend one afternoon each week prepping your food for the week. Get all your vegetables cut up and stored in baggies so you can put together a beautiful salad in the morning before going to work.

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One Comment

  1. Grace Terry

    Apr 10, 2017 at 9:00 am

    This article is insulting to people honestly struggling to break free of addiction. An addiction is, by definition, a chronic, compulsive self-defeating behavior. Chronic means long-term. Compulsion is an overwhelming urge in act and defies all logic and reason.If there were simple ways to end addictions, we would have found them long ago. Addiction is genetically and environmentally triggered and is a complex illness with physical, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual negative involvement. As an addict recovering from chronic compulsive self-defeating behaviors (all perfectly legal in my case) used to mood/mind alter, I feel discounted and ripped off by this article. Try again….