The Top 10 Dangerous Toxins That Are Inside Your Home Right Now

Clothespins in the bag, towels, laundry detergent, and a basket

Photo credit: bigstock

6. Synthetic Fragrances

This is probably the most common chemical found in American homes.

Synthetic fragrances are used in almost everything, from air fresheners to shampoo, laundry soap and fabric softeners, cleaning products and scented candles, to hair spray and deodorants.

If you see the word “fragrance” on a product, this is usually a sign that it contains one of hundreds of dangerous chemicals that are known carcinogens.

Your alternative?  Go unscented! Especially when you are talking about soap and detergents. Don’t use those so called “air fresheners” whether they are gels or sprays, as all of these contain dangerous toxins.

Use more natural methods such as hiding an open box of baking soda in a room or simmering a pot of cinnamon sticks on your stove.

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