The Truth about Essential Oils No One Wants to Tell You

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6. You Should Always Buy Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils

This is true. If you find someone who says that there is no such thing as a therapeutic grade, you can show them this article. The problem is that there are MANY therapeutic grade standards. What one company states is “therapeutic grade” is not what another company would consider to be therapeutic grade. So, which company and which standards do you trust? This is what makes therapeutic grade essential oils so controversial. It’s important that you find out how each company you are considering buying oils from defines “therapeutic grade.” Do they simply mean that the oil is pure? Or that is has been standardized, even if it means adding or removing something so that all bottles are exactly the same year after year? Once you get some more information, you’ll better be able to determine which company carries the exact type of “therapeutic grade” essential oil you would like to use.

For those skeptics who still think that essential oils are nothing more than nicely scented placebos, check out the scientific references at the bottom of this article. Essential oils are powerful medicine, friends, and this becomes clear once you know the truth about them.


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