The Truth about Turmeric and Alzheimer’s Disease


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Amyloid plaques are well-known for causing oxidative damage to the brain. Free radicals, generated by these plaques, and other factors such as inadequate energy supply, abnormal changes in the natural antioxidant defense in the body, as well as inflammation, all play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. This means that anti-inflammatory compounds with antioxidant properties, such as turmeric, can offer a biochemical support for those with Alzheimer’s.

Researchers at the University of California at San Diego wrote in one study that they believed that a treatment involving antioxidants was a very promising approach for slowing the progression of this disease, perhaps even to the point of stopping it altogether.


SEE ALSO: Can Coconut Oil Save You from Alzheimer’s Disease?


The destructive oxidation and inflammation that are inherent in those with Alzheimer’ disease are the reason why antioxidants, such as curcumin, are so important in our diets. Curcumin fights off free radicals, which prevents their destructive nature, stopping the damage they can cause in the very earliest stages of this disease. Antioxidants not only kill free radicals in the brain, but the powerful anti-inflammatory mechanisms in turmeric are yet another reason why this popular spice might be so effective in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Turmeric’s powerful fighting duo of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory make this spice a natural means of fighting some of the main causes of this degenerative disease.


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  1. Rajen

    Jul 11, 2015 at 2:56 pm

    how can we increase turmeric. curcumin in our diet…

    • Gabe

      Jul 12, 2015 at 1:46 pm

      Curry, which has turmeric as a main ingredient, is a flavorful way of adding turmeric to your diet. Fresh turmeric, root as a whole food, may be the best way to increase your intake of curcumin.

      • Rajen

        Jul 12, 2015 at 3:47 pm

        Hi Gabe, Thanks so much for your response. I’m from India and eat primarily vegetarian dishes at home. They all have turmeric, ginger, garlic and other spices in them. The turmeric in like three recipes is maybe a couple of tea spoons for a serving of 9. Surely it’s better than nothing, but does it get even close to having any beneficial effect. What is the MDR-minimum daily requirement to be of medicinal value. Where can i get more info on this. Thanks again…;)))

  2. MindfullyLiving

    Jul 13, 2015 at 3:05 pm

    There is also a Tumeric User Group on facebook for anyone interested and please also check out Doug’s fabulous new website