Top 10 All Natural Anti-Viral Compounds

Herb Garten

Photo credit: bigstock

6. Oregano

Yes, oregano, that same herb you put in your spaghetti! Besides tasting yummy, it fights bacteria and viruses. In fact, oregano is probably one of the best anti-viral herbs around. Oregano essential oil can be taken in a capsule form to kill viruses and speed healing. If you wish to use oregano oil on the body, use a carrier oil, such as almond oil, to prevent irritating your skin.

Oregano oil is super beneficial for a variety of illnesses including coughs, bronchitis, asthma, respiratory infections, mouth ulcers and other types of oral infections, cold sores, gallbladder infections, Lyme disease, sore throats, and tonsillitis, just to name a few. Many people use oregano oil for gastrointestinal issues, even for killing and removing parasites from the body! For all kinds of respiratory problems, you can’t beat some oregano oil in a diffuser.

Keeping some fresh oregano for tea, or oil for topical use, would be a good idea for everyone’s medicine chest.

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