Top 10 Things You Never Imagined Were True about Your Internal Clock

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4.  Want to Reset Your Clock? Go Camping

For some people their addiction to technology, combined with irregular hours, has them feeling like they will never sleep normally ever again. Well, the good news here is that there is an answer: Go camping. When you remove all technology from your life, including artificial lights, you will reset your natural clock in a matter of days.


5. Some of Our Genes Work in Conjunction With Our Clock

There are genes in our bodies that work with our internal clock and when our rhythm gets messed up, so do they. These genes control all kinds of things such as our blood sugar levels, body temperatures, even our moods. One study showed that when subjects were put on a 28 hour day, every single one of their genes were completely out of whack. By the way, some of those genes affect our immune system, so not getting regular rest is bad news.


6. Our Internal Clock and Immunity

Do you remember the time you skipped on sleep to study or to party and the following week you came down with the worst case of the flu? Yep, that lack of sleep really screws up your immune system. Scientists really don’t know why this is, but they believe it has something to do with the gene function we mentioned in the point above.


7.  Trying to Get Pregnant?

If you are a woman who is trying to conceive, or if you have recently found out you are pregnant, you should take extra steps towards keeping your bedroom free from artificial lights. When your internal clock is screwed up, your biological clock gets screwed up along with it. A review done in 2014 showed that our body’s production of melatonin is naturally triggered by our on-schedule circadian rhythm, but that it is stunted by artificial lights. Melatonin naturally protects a woman’s eggs from stress due to its powerful antioxidant compounds.

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