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Top 12 Beauty Benefits Of This One Thing You Have In Your Kitchen Now

Photo credit: bigstock.com
4. Whitens Teeth
If you want your pearly whites to be exactly that — white — then you want baking soda. This substance is a mild abrasive that will remove stains from your teeth. Just sprinkle a bit of baking soda into your regular toothpaste and brush as you normally would. After two or three days, you should see a dramatic improvement in the color of your teeth.
Alternatively, you can make your own natural teeth whitening substance by mixing four tablespoons of turmeric powder with two teaspoons of baking soda and three tablespoons of coconut oil. Mix everything well and use small amounts of this solution to brush your teeth once a day for two or three days.
Don’t use baking soda for more than a few days as it is abrasive and can strip the enamel off your teeth.
5. Stops Nail Fungus
Nail fungus is downright ugly, not to mention uncomfortable. Nail fungus grows underneath the nails and results in some funky-looking, discolored, and distorted nails. Baking soda is alkaline in nature and prevents fungi from growing. To stop nail fungus, mix two tablespoons of baking soda in one cup of apple cider vinegar. Soak the affected nails in this solution for five minutes each day. Don’t rinse, simply pat dry with a paper towel. Throw out the paper towel when you are done.
6. Relieves Sunburn
During these hot summer months, always keep an extra box of baking soda on hand to help treat sunburned skin. Due to its highly alkaline nature, baking soda soothes sunburned skin and relieves the pain. To make a healing sunburn soak, mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda in one cup of cold water. Soak a washcloth in this mixture, and apply as a cool compress to the affected area for five or 10 minutes. Repeat two or three times each day. You can also add half a cup of baking soda to a tub of water and soak for 10 to 20 minutes.
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