Top 12 Healthiest Foods on the Planet

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7. Raspberries

Although all berries are loaded with healthy antioxidants, raspberries stand out when it comes to their high concentration. This means that keeping a bag of frozen raspberries in your freezer so you can easily add a handful to smoothies, salads, oatmeal, or just plain old snacking is a good idea. If you can find fresh, organic raspberries, so much the better, but for most people frozen is the way to go.

Raspberries are low fat, but high in fiber, so you can get plenty of flavor and feel full for very few calories. Raspberries are, of course, loaded with those healthy antioxidants. If you suffer from arthritis, then you have even more reason to eat more raspberries as they have been shown to help stop the inflammation that causes arthritis pain and stiffness.

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