Top 12 Herbs Known to Relieve Anxiety

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8. Lemon Balm

Although this is generally used in combination with other types of calming herbs, such as lavender and chamomile, lemon balm has powerful anti-anxiety compounds all by itself. In one study, published in 2004, subjects who consumed a single dose of lemon balm extract (either 300 mg or 600 mg) and then were measured for mood changes after one hour found that those who received the higher dosage had lower stress levels, but improved alertness and a sense of calm. Even the lower dose was able to help subjects perform simple tasks with more clarity and less feelings of stress or anxiety.

If you wish to try lemon balm in aromatherapy, try 300 to 50 mg of dried lemon balm 3 times per day. Or you can drink lemon balm tea three or four times per day. If you prefer essential oils, use about 60 drops per day in your favorite tea or drink.

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