Top 15 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants

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11. Red Clover

The little red/pink blossoms on this plant are the perfect detoxifier for the liver and the blood but have long been used to treat colds and coughs. Originating in Europe, red clover is now grown in just about every country in the world, including the US.

Red clover has been used for centuries for both internal and topical applications, it can relive the pain of psoriasis, sores, burns, and is said to offer protections from skin cancer. Red clover is also a terrific pain reliever, most likely due to its anti-inflammatory compounds. In “Back to Eden,” a classic book by Jethro Kloss, the author states emphatically that red clover is a lifesaving anti-cancer treatment. Although there are no studies to back up his claim, proponents of red clover claim they have had a multitude of success.

Red clover is, however, a known blood thinner. For those with thrombosis or other conditions, red clover can be a life saver; however, if you are taking medication to thin your blood, or if you are going to have surgery performed, be sure to talk to your doctor before you start consuming this beautiful little flower.

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