Top 15 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants

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9. Sage

A beautiful plant that is a tasty herb and has medicinal properties, too! Sage is a super healer! It contains antifungal, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatories, and anti-bacterial compounds all in one little plant! It helps ease digestion, stops cramps, fights cold and flu viruses, reduces inflammation, kills bacteria, and stops diarrhea.

Some people say that rinsing your hair with sage-infused water brings natural color back to your hair. Sage is related to rosemary and is loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. The three components in sage – flavonoids, phenolic acid, and enzymes that handle oxygen – give it the ability to stabilize oxygen related metabolism issues and prevent oxygen based damage to cells. In short, this means that it prevents premature aging.

An old Native American saying is that those who drink sage tea never grow old. Used in aroma therapy, sage is a terrific anti-depressant, heals wounds in no time, stops infections in the nose and throat, and is a fantastic antiseptic.  Sage tea is available everywhere and this plant is super easy to grow.

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