Top 5 Cancer Causing Foods and Top 5 Cancer Fighting Foods

alcohol drinks

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5. Excessive Alcohol

Right up there with smoking is the cancer risk that is associated with excessive drinking. We don’t mean only those who go on those weekend drinking binges every weekend or alcoholics, we mean anything more than one drink per day for women and two per day for men.

The more alcohol you consume over time, the higher your risk is of developing an alcohol related cancer. The American Cancer Society says that excessive alcohol consumption can increase your risk of liver cancer, mouth cancer, bowel cancer, breast cancer, and throat cancer.

Now you are probably saying “Wasn’t there studies that showed that some alcoholic drinks are good for you, like red wine?” It’s true that a compound in red wine, called resveratrol, has some anti-cancer properties, but as is true of most things in life, moderation is the key. You can’t get away with drinking a bottle of red wine every night and think that this is good for you.

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