Top Tips for Living a Cancer Free Life

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6. Get Safe Sun Exposure/Vitamin D

Most people have low levels of vitamin D in their blood, and studies show that persons with cancer tend to have very low levels of this important vitamin. Of course we aren’t advocating sunbathing for 6 or 8 hours every day, but you can begin by getting about 5 minutes of sunlight every day, then add 1 minute more of sun exposure about every 3 to 4 weeks until you have worked yourself up to about 30 minutes of sun exposure. If you are African American, you will need to work up to about 60 minutes of sun exposure each day. If you can’t get this amount of natural sunlight every day for whatever reason, take 1,000mg of vitamin D in a high quality supplement daily.


7.  Protect Yourself from STDs

Although the hubbub about AIDS/HIV has diminished in recent years, the disease is still around and although it doesn’t kill as quickly as it did in years past, there is no cure. Other STD’s abound, such as HPV (human papillomavirus) which are linked to a number of different cancers. It’s better to just avoid these diseases than to try to deal with them later and hope that they don’t kick start cancer in your body. Limit your number of sexual partners, try to stay in a monogamous relationship, and always, always, always wear a condom.


8. Detox Regularly

No matter how healthy or organic your diet, your body still absorbs toxins and pollutants via the air, lawns and golf courses you might walk on, contaminated food (no one can eat home grown food every meal every day) and water, and toxic, cancer causing chemicals from our workplace, grocery stores, prescription drugs, and shopping malls. Toxic chemicals and heavy metals get into our bodies in numerous ways and performing detox programs on a regular basis can help our bodies remove these chemicals. There are many ways to do detox programs and many different types of programs available. Find the one that works best for you and stick with it.

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  1. Olivia Stone

    Nov 29, 2016 at 11:16 am

    Thank you for this post, as I have read in Consumer Health Digest, having family history of cancer can give someone in risk of acquiring it, but risk is only a possibility right? Thank you for shedding some light on things that could prevent cancer cells from forming. I will follow this by heart as I am also in risk

  2. Olivia Stone

    Aug 28, 2017 at 7:58 pm

    Thank you for this post, as I have read in Consumer Health Digest,
    having family history of cancer can give someone in risk of acquiring
    it, but risk is only a possibility right? I cant really move on since the death of my aunt to cancer, Thanks for this great tip on how to be cancer free