Top Tips for Getting Healthy Super Cheap and Super Easy!

Work Lunch Packet

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8. Pack Your Lunch

Eating out is not only unhealthy (for the most part) it’s very expensive! Especially over time.

Even if you order a salad (which can be healthy), they run between 4 and 8 dollars depending on what is in them and where you live. For $5, you can buy enough salads for an entire week! That’s like buying one and getting 4 free. It only takes a little planning beforehand.

You can make your lunch the night before using leftovers from dinner, for example, or plan your lunches and have it all ready to go before you go to bed; this way there is no excuse that you don’t have time in the morning. Pack some healthy snacks, too, and this will keep you away from the vending machine.

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