Treat Crohn’s Disease Naturally

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4. Cannabis

Throughout the years the marijuana plant known as cannabis sativa and cannabinoids, the active agent in the plant, are becoming famous as possible treatment for inflammatory bowel disease. Studies first done in 2011 have recorded improvements in patients who smoked medical marijuana. There was evidence obtained that show that endocannabanoids, which are molecules found in the human body that is akin to those found in the cannabis, limit intestinal inflammation. However, out of all the plants listed here, the cannabis is the only one that has certain risks. First, the reduction in symptoms may actually cover up ongoing inflammation. Patients might think that their disease is slowly declining when the opposite is happening. There is also a chance that a patient who is using medical marijuana to treat Crohn’s may actually end up being dependent from it. Therefore, in order to fully utilize the plant’s healing benefits, while at the same time keep the risks at bay, balanced consumption is required.

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