10 Home Remedies That Really Do Work


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6. Licorice and peppermint can quickly resolve indigestion

The next time you are suffering from indigestion from that big bowl of chili you just ate you might want to suck on a peppermint candy or enjoy a piece of licorice. Both have been found to bring quick relief by increasing the production of mucus and relaxing the sphincter muscle in the esophagus.


7. Vodka can eliminate foot odor

You don’t really have to use vodka to treat your stinky feet. Regular rubbing alcohol will achieve the same results. The alcohol takes on the fungus that creates the bad odors, kills the bacteria, and eliminates the moisture that creates these odors in the first place. Just dab your feet with the alcohol in the morning and you will be odor-free before you know it.


8. Use sugar to get rid of your hiccups

It looks like not only will a spoonful of sugar help the medicine go down, it will get rid of your hiccups within minutes. It looks like the sugar helps to soothe the nerve muscles that direct the diaphragm to keep contracting to create the hiccups. (Now you can tell your friend to stop trying to scare the hiccups out of you!).

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