10 Everyday Foods That Can Kill You

Cherry tomatoes on the vine,garlic and basil

Photo credit: bigstock

7. Tomatoes

Were you planning on putting that tomato in your salad? Did you know that, right up until about the 1800’s; people believed that tomatoes were absolute poison. Some people actually made money by demonstrating their ‘power over life and death’ by eating entire tomatoes in front of crowds and living to tell about it the next day! Puts the Barnum and Bailey Circus to shame, doesn’t it?

Well, there is some truth to this story. The green, unripe fruit of tomatoes, as well as the leaves, and stems, contain small amounts of the poison alkaloid tomatine, and solanine, the same toxin found in potato leaves. These are all members of the nightshade family. The use of tomato leaves in olden days resulted in several deaths. You’ve certainly heard of a famous country dish called fried green tomatoes? Well, eaten in small amounts, its’ too low a dosage to hurt you. The leaves and stems, however, have a much more intense concentration. They can even be toxic to dogs if they should consume the plant or eat quite a few green tomatoes.

You can feel safe, then, putting that red tomato in your salad. Just don’t expect anyone to be surprised when you are still alive in the morning.

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One Comment

  1. alaskaman

    Oct 25, 2014 at 3:52 am

    10 everyday foods? Since when is fugu or puffer fish everyday food?