10 Everyday Foods That Can Kill You

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

8. Elderberries

Although you probably don’t eat these every day, they are very popular in wine and as medicinal teas. Now, there is no need for you to ditch that bottle of mulled wine or elderberry pie, as these berries lose their toxic properties when they are cooked. The real poison is in the plants stems and leaves, which, as you might have suspected by now, contain cyanide. Green elderberries or uncooked elderberries contain a poisonous alkaloid. Elderberries are a deciduous shrub native to Europe, western North America, and southwest Asia. This shrub produces a dark purple, almost black, type of berries that are very popular with birds as well as humans. You will find the berries are also enjoyed by elk, deer, and even sheep, so we are in good company. However, it’s important to only eat the berries when they are completely ripe. Also, absolutely no other part of the plant should be eaten, except for the flowers, as it contains that deadly toxin cyanogenic glycoside compound.

Most fatalities come from people who attempt to make ‘tea’ from the leaves of this plant, erroneously believing that if the berries and flowers are safe to eat, then the entire plant must be as well. Never drink elderberry tea unless you know how it was made. To be on the safe side, buy organic, commercially made elderberry tea as these must pass safety inspections.

You may return now to your mulled wine.

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One Comment

  1. alaskaman

    Oct 25, 2014 at 3:52 am

    10 everyday foods? Since when is fugu or puffer fish everyday food?