10 Foods You Should Eat For Your Joints And Foods To Avoid

10 Foods you should avoid eating that will aggravate your joints


1. Cheese

Because of its higher fat content, a study conducted at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital discovered that cheese increased the progression of osteoarthritis in knees.


2. Beer

It’s not just drinking a beer or two that causes problems; it is that drinking large amounts of beer that could raise your chances of having osteoarthritis of your knees or hip.


3. Sugary sodas

Just one sweetened soda in a week put the women who participated in a Harvard study at a higher chance of getting rheumatoid arthritis than those who did not drink soda at all.


4. Trans fats

Consuming trans fats will increase your level of inflammation plus contribute to an increase in your body. Trans fats can be found in most junk food, including chips, bakery items, and fried products.

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