10 Recipes For Natural Face Masks For Dry Skin

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Dry skin is unsightly and uncomfortable, especially on your face. Try out these recipes for natural face masks for dry skin, and watch your skin rejuvenate quickly.

1. Lavender Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the natural homemaker’s gold. Pair up this healthy staple with the most popular essential oil – lavender, for added healing benefits.

Directions: Mix 2 drops organic lavender oil into two teaspoons coconut oil. Warm slightly if cold, and mix well. Apply liberally to the face. Leave mixture for at least 10 minutes, then remove with a warm, wet cloth. Rub extra oil left on skin into skin for added moisture.

2. Raw Honey

Honey is antibacterial, and thus is a great tonic for acne. It also provides moisture to dull, dry skin.

Directions: Apply half a teaspoon of gently warmed (not hot!) honey to the face. Apply to face, and allow to sit for 10-15 minutes. Remove honey with a warm, wet cloth, and pat dry skin. Add a half teaspoon of almond oil to the skin if still dry.

3. Egg Olive Oil Mask

This mixture, which looks like the start of muffins, is actually extremely moisturizing for your skin. Whip up a face mask with these two kitchen staples for easy and inexpensive moisturization.

Directions: Crack one egg into a small bowl. Add two teaspoons of olive oil, and whisk vigorously. Once mixed, apply to face. Remove egg and olive oil mixture with a warm, wet cloth, and pat dry skin. Add a half teaspoon of almond oil to the skin if still dry.

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4. Avocado

All the nutrients and good fats present in avocados can also be utilized by the skin. Making an avocado face mask is super easy, and nutritious for your face, just try not to eat it!

Directions: Cut one avocado in half and scoop out half of the avocado into a bowl. Mash with a fork, and add a teaspoon of almond oil if desired. Apply to face, and allow to sit for 10-15 minutes. Remove all avocado and oil mixture with a warm, wet cloth, and pat dry skin. Add a half teaspoon of almond oil to the skin if still dry.


5. Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is a super detox, so if you find yourself with constant blemishes, especially after eating certain foods, a clay mask may be your best bet for clearer skin.

Directions: Mix one teaspoon bentonite clay with two tablespoons of water, or until consistency is like a thin paste. Spread evenly on the face, and let dry completely, about 10-15 minutes. Remove mask with warm, wet cloth, and apply a light oil, such as almond oil, to the face.


6. Almond Oil

Almond oil is light, and contains a number of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It can be used in everyday face care, as well as in mask recipes or as a moisturizing mask itself.

Directions: Whenever skin feels dry, apply almond oil generously to the face. Allow to completely absorb into the face. To use almond oil as a cleanser, apply to face, then remove with warm, wet cloth. Allow remaining oil to absorb into the skin.


7. Castor oil

Castor oil has been used for natural health purposes for many centuries. Castor oil is extremely thick, and will moisturize deeply.

Directions: Apply one teaspoon of castor oil to the face, spreading evenly. After 10 minutes, remove any excess oil with a warm, wet cloth.

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8. Aloe Vera

You can buy aloe vera gel, or even aloe vera leaves at the store.

Directions: Apply aloe vera following a face wash, or purchase aloe vera leaves at the store. If you purchase the leaves, slice the leaves vertically and allow them to drain in a cup. Once the gel has drained, apply it (or your purchased gel) to the face. Allow to sit for 10-15 minutes, or wait until the gel entirely dissolves into the face. Pat dry if needed to remove excess gel.


9. Banana Mask

Bananas contain essential vitamins and minerals that moisturize and provide nutrition to the skin. Whip up an easy banana mask for instant relief of dry skin.

Directions: Peel one banana, and place in small bowl. Mash with fork, and apply to face. Spread evenly on the face, and let dry completely, about 10-15 minutes. Remove mask with a warm, wet cloth, and apply a light oil, such as almond oil, to the face.


RELATED: How To Select The Best Bananas From The Supermarket


10. Oatmeal Mask

Oatmeal contains many anti-inflammatories and is great at scrubbing off dead skin cells.

Directions: Mix two teaspoons powdered oatmeal, or processed whole oats, with warm water. Process in blender or food processor if the oats are whole. Spread evenly on the face, and let dry completely, about 10-15 minutes. Remove mask with a warm, wet cloth, and apply a light oil, such as almond oil, to the face.

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What Causes Dry Skin?

Your skin produces oil to keep it hydrated. With daily cleaning, especially with soaps that strip the skin, you will wipe off this natural oil. This is fine if your skin is able to reproduce enough oil to quickly moisturize itself again, but it will leave you dry and eventually flaky if not.

Skin care products can cause dryness. Make up, especially powders, will suck the natural oils out of your skin. Limit makeup use to only the “must have” days. Harsh soaps that strip oil can make your dry skin problem worse. If you have consistently dry skin, try the oil cleansing method. This method actually uses oil and warm water to pull out old oil and dry skin off your face, but leaves enough oil and more, fresh oil on your face.

If you notice your skin is not only dry, but often red, flaky, bumpy, especially in the presence of cold weather or stress, you may suffer from eczema. Applying natural oil and limiting food and environmental allergens can keep your eczema in check. Be extra careful choosing your skincare if you have chronic eczema.


How to Care for Dry Skin

To oil cleanse, find a natural oil such as almond, avocado, or grapeseed. Run warm, but not hot, water, and apply one teaspoon of the oil to your face. Place a clean cloth under the water, and wipe your face with the cloth. Wipe enough to remove much of the oil, but not so vigorously to leave a red mark. Allow the skin to dry, and rub in any extra after ten minutes If your skin soaks up the oil quickly, apply a half teaspoon to the dry areas.

Fight consistent dry skin by doing these things daily:

  • Drinking at least 64 ounces of fresh, filtered water or distilled water.
  • Applying natural oil to your skin after washing daily, or using the oil cleanse method.
  • Limiting any allergens, such as dairy or gluten.
  • Avoiding harsh soaps and make-ups.
  • Keeping hot showers to a minimum, as the hot water strips the skin of moisture.
  • Limiting exposure of your face to extreme cold or wind.
  • Cleaning with all natural cleaners, as harsh chemicals can dry out the skin.

Dry skin rears its ugly head for most of us, but it doesn’t have to be a major issue. Use these mask recipes and tips to steer clear of dry skin for good.
